Illustration done for Coca-Cola Southwest Beverages for Hispanic Heritage Month for their Community Canvas campaign. CCSW owns the rights to this image.
“Summer Cocktail.” Personal illustration.
Personal artwork from my visit to the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center.
La Limpia is an old Latinx ritual where an egg is lightly rubbed all over the body to absorb illnesses, ailments, or even the “evil eye.” It is often performed by a curandero, though it can often be done by anyone who knows how like my mom and grandma. After the ritual, you can determine what was causing the illness by cracking the egg into a clear glass and observing what the yolk & egg whites form. For me, sometimes I wish every ailment I have can be cured con una limpia.
A .gif set to the song “Rogue” by producer TOKiMONSTA.
Photo-study of some clouds.